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Ryofu: Durable medium-maturity cultivar resistant to stress such as drought


Notes on cultivation

The rooting and growth of “Ryofu” are good and seedlings are easy to raise. Rooting and growing after planting are good, and tree height and vertical spread are both excellent. The “Ryofu” tree is slightly upright, easy to tailor, and suitable for mechanized cultivation. Resistance to the cold is strong, but resistance to laceration-type frost damage is slightly inferior to that of “Kanayamidori”. Resistance to disease is slightly stronger for anthracnose, stronger for ring spot, making this cultivar stronger than “Yabukita”.


Processing characteristics

 “Ryofu” is a medium-maturity cultivar, whose germination period is four days later than “Yabukita”. The yield of the first flush tea is higher than “Yabukita”. The quality of the first flush tea is bright green in color and luster, infusion is transparent, astringency is strong and umami can be tasted, and it is clean and excellent. There is moderate astringency, but the balance with umami is good. Both the second and third flush teas have higher yields than “Yabukita” and is of excellent quality.


Notes on processing

The state when the leaves are fully open and the temporal stop of bud growth does not occur frequently, meaning new leaves are constantly opening. The shape of new buds is different from other cultivars, so it is recommended to be careful not to make mistakes in judging the optimal picking time.



 “Ryofu” has good growth, stable yields, and the quality of tea production is within an acceptable range. “Ryofu” has its own unique flavor, different from that of "Yabukita" and thus, it has a good potential to respond to the diversification of tastes of today’s consumer.