Home > Teach me Tea Cha! > Natural Powers of Tea > EFFECT ON SENESCENCE

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Many factors affect human senescence, one of which is free radical. Free radical theory of senescence was suggested by Harman D in 1956. It suggests that transmitter of mitochondrion in cells and free radicals generated in oxidation reaction in process of metabolism react with DNA, protein, and lipid, where oxidative matters and its accumulation cause senescence. Tea catechins are proven that they are effective on DNA damages by ultra violet in colon bacillus(E,coli B/rWP2). In DNA damage caused by radiation and various chemical materials and its restoring reactions, tea catechins are proven that they act an important role as anti-mutagenic material. It is also proven that tea catechins are effective on oxidation reaction of protein, lipid, and free radicals of ribonucleic protein, other than DNA. Senescence of human beings occurs in various organs and tissues. Senescence of brain is especially noted as senile dimentia. In Alzheimer's disease, the nerve cells in charge of memory in the forebrain decreases its activity. It is reported that theanene in tea promotes secretion of NGF, and activates the nerve cell.

(Isao Tomita)